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IoT,Powertec Blog,Rural,Smart Cities

Powertec claims ‘world-first’ turnkey IoT solution

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CRN IMPACT Award for evolving innovator

Powertec’s IoT division, myinsight.io has earned the title of Evolving Innovator at the recent CRN IMPACT Awards for our connectivity module. Below is the article published by CRN, please read through:

The internet of things is still in its nascent stages, which has fragmented the market and alienated potential adopters, according to Queensland-based Powertec Telecommunications.

The communications equipment distributor came up with its own solution which it thinks could be a world-first turkey solution that can extract information from sensors no matter the network, whether its LoRaWAN, NB-IoT or wi-fi. The end-to-end solution, dubbed myinsight.io was developed by Powertec’s newly formed IoT division.

The solution allows customers to control, measure and track anything with a sensor by utilising a combination of live and historical data with events, notifications and machines learning. myinsight.io uses Rayven.io’s cloud platform combined with Powertec’s own connectivity module, which recently completed its first full production run, which redirects all data back tot he Rayven.io platform.

Thanks to being able to connect to any wireless protocol the modules also have in-built apps. Powertec says that widespread connectivity issues can often be a barrier that stops businesses from harnessing IoT opportunities. The module aims to address that by catering to all sensor types and can be retrofitted into an existing solution or into a new set up.

With the combined myinsight.io platform and connectivity module, Powertec said the solution could bring total visibility and sensor control from a personal device. This can be either on-premises or via the cloud, along with security capabilities, machine learning and event logging.

While agriculture is the initial market, Powertec thinks myinsight.io could see use in any industry, especially those looking to drive into IoT or IoE (internet of everything). Powertec soft-launched the solution in June last year and has already deployed modules in its own IoT projects along with a handful of customers who are under wraps for now.

See the full article, click here


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